Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 37 – 325 lives saved! Reno has another save!

April 2, 2009

Day 37 – 325 lives saved!

Reno has another save!

National Campaign Daily Intention
We are the defenders of true freedom. May our witness unveil the deception of the "pro-choice" slogan.

National Campaign News
Answering Jesus’ Call

Local Campaign News
Faithful God Answers Prayer, Reno Has Another Save
Tempers Fly at the Sidewalk in Reno– Remember to Represent the Love of Christ

Coming Events
Rosary for Life at St. Albert’s April 3rd and every Friday morning at 8:30 am
First Saturday Rosary, April 4, 9:00 am
Wrap-Up Rally – Reno Life Chain, April 5, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Allow us to announce your prayer gathering here

40 Days through Scripture
I John 2 - Jude

National News
Facing Tough Washington Climate, Abortion Foes Move Debate Online

Video Vignette
Down Syndrome - A Life Worth Living

Get Involved
Stop Sebelius
Be Heard Project Defends Conscience Clause
Keep Conscience Protection for Healthcare Workers – Deadline April 9th
Sign-up for Your Hours on the Vigil Calendar

Have you signed up on the Vigil Calendar?
If you’re near the abortion site and have even just a few moments to spare
Commit to pray daily from wherever you are.

National Campaign Daily Intention

We are the defenders of true freedom. May our witness unveil the deception of the "pro-choice" slogan.

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
-- 2 Corinthians 3:17

Norma McCorvey (the former Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade) used to work at an abortion mill named "A Choice for Women." She now realizes what a cruel irony that title was. She saw first hand, just as pregnancy resource center counselors see, that women don't get abortions because of freedom of choice, but rather because they feel they have no freedom and no choice. They feel trapped, abandoned, desperate and afraid, and have been led to believe that abortion is their only option.

As Frederica Mathewes-Green has written, no want wants an abortion like she wants a Porsche or an ice cream; rather, she wants it like an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg.

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." That doesn't mean that the Spirit allows us to do whatever we want or to decide for ourselves what's right and wrong.

Rather, it means that the Spirit gives us the freedom to do what is right, the power to choose what is good, when we see it before us and yet feel pulled in the opposite direction. Liberty means that we no longer have to feel doomed to do what we know is wrong.

We are the people of the Spirit of the Lord, and when we take action on behalf of life, especially by being present at abortion mills, we are acting on behalf of true freedom, and imparting to those who are in bondage the power to do what is right.
Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director,
Priests for Life andPresident,
National Pro-life Religious Council

National Campaign News

Answering Jesus’ Call
40 Days for Life touches people and opens their hearts to Jesus' call to defend the least of our brethren. So many of YOU are answering that call -- and to God be the glory!

There's one 40 Days for Life vigil participant who had seen first-hand the importance of being present outside the abortion center, and she wanted to do more. So this young mother of three discerned that God was calling her to become a sidewalk counselor.

Her very first day on the job in Colorado Springs was a most eventful one.

"On her first day actively talking to the men and women going into this place of death, we all celebrated when one couple came out and told us, very specifically and repeatedly, they chose not to have the abortion," said Douglas, who was one of a number of people praying at the clinic that day.

"The father told us this news first, and we all waited for the mother to come out, warning him that they might be pressuring her inside. He seemed confident she wouldn't agree to the abortion and that she'd be out soon," he said.

The woman finally emerged from the clinic, and confirmed the news that she would not be having an abortion. "This mother seemed so much happier and relieved about choosing life today with the father of this new baby in her womb," Douglas said.

This would not have happened if there had been no vigil outside!

It underscores the need for more people to take that first step to pray in front of the local abortion facility -- and then see where God leads from there.

"We need more, much more presence and praying -- walking the sidewalks, carrying signs and pushing strollers," Douglas said, adding that your presence causes the young people entering the clinic to question their "choice."

He's praying that God will provide the necessary grace to close this clinic - and many others. "It's going to happen!"

Local Campaign News

Faithful God Answers Prayer, Reno Has Another Save
It all started with a prayer, “Please Lord, allow me to play a role in saving the life of a child during this 40 Days for Life campaign.” This was the prayer prayed by Theresa before she went out to the sidewalk last Friday, and when she arrived at the sidewalk that morning we was thrilled to witness the turn-around of a Hispanic couple who had intended to abort their child.
She was so happy with the providence of God that she shared the story the next morning while sitting and watching a soccer game. Her story was overheard by the wife of the coach who asked her to talk to her daughter’s 16 year old friend who is pregnant and considering an abortion.
Theresa spent two hours that afternoon talking with this young woman, whose boyfriend was adamant that she have an abortion. Her father had already agreed to pay for the procedure and was planning on driving her to the abortion site. But the story Theresa was able to share had the authority of truth, you see, Theresa herself is Post-Abortive, so she was in a unique position to share why abortion hurts, and how that pain isn’t as simple as healing from an extracted wisdom tooth. She shared that she couldn’t go back and change what has already happened.
She’s now a mom, and she needs to decide is she going to be the mom of a living child or a dead child.
This young woman, whom everyone was encouraging to abort her child, has chosen life. Her boyfriend initially refused to even talk with Theresa, but has now come around to accept that he is a dad and the responsibility that comes with the role. The father is supporting his daughter’s decision.
But let’s be realistic, there are a lot of challenges that face this young family. Theresa is making an appointment for them at the CPC where they can explore the option of adoption and determine if this is their best choice or if they are going to raise their child. They will need financial help as the father, who already has a tight budget, told his daughter that with this adult decision comes adult responsibilities and he expects her to find a way to assist in the expenses of the pregnancy. Please keep this young family in your prayers.

Yes, Our God is an Awesome God! He answers the prayers of the faithful. So remember, pray, and share the stories of our success, giving God the Glory. You never know how God might use you and the special gifts He’s given you to save the life of a child.

Tempers Fly at the Sidewalk in Reno– Remember to Represent the Love of Christ
We received a call from Pat and apparently it was quite an eventful day at the sidewalk yesterday. There were a couple of people working on the speaker boxes that line the front of the Reno abortion site. Tom, who comes daily on the killing days, attempted to start a conversation with these workers, informing them of what goes on inside this facility and perhaps encouraging them to rethink their assistance. Unfortunately they indicated that they support what is being done by the abortionist. I’m sorry that we don’t have the name of the business they represent, as I for one, wouldn’t want to provide them with any business.

Then, as Tom was standing at the sidewalk, as he typically does during the course of the day, Dr. Stutes came out, leaned over the fence and screamed a foul stream of obscenities at him, indicating all sorts of vile things he intended to do to him. Our prayers and presence must be having an impact on him and his business for him to become this agitated! This was just as Pat arrived and was putting up the Pray to End Abortion lawn signs in the dirt area across from the abortion site. Ultimately, Dr. Stutes decided to call the police and 3 cars responded.

They simply confirmed what we already know, that we have a right to be present at the sidewalk, as long as we don’t obstruct traffic, which we all know not to do, and the police officers are well aware of this. It appears that in the heat of the moment, Tom responded to one of Dr. Stutes tirades with an uncharitable comment, although certainly nothing that could be twisted to be seen as a threat. He was then told by Dr. Stutes that this comment had been recorded and would be used against him. In his discussion with the police, Tom explained that the comments that he had made were not unprovoked, but were a response to a long stream of obscenities that had been hurled at him.

Please, remember, we must at all times represent the Love and Peace of Christ and it is when we are being persecuted that this is more true than ever. The Christian martyrs, whose blood flowed so that we might know Christ, made their impact by the peace with which they received their persecution. If we can remember this if and when Dr. Stutes comes out to the sidewalk, there is a chance that he too may be converted to know the love of Christ. Wouldn’t that be a blessing?!

In the meantime, Pat reports that there was a much larger than usual number of positive responses from the passing cars. Also, there is a gentleman who walks past on a nearly daily basis, typically reading a book as he passes, who walked by during the commotion with a woman. Later, after Tom had left for the day, and Pat was on the sidewalk alone, this woman came back to ask if he had been required to leave per the request of the police. When Pat indicated that he had simply left because he had finished his time of prayer, she told Pat she was pleased to hear it and to keep up the good work.

The people driving by are watching and taking note of what is being done both on the sidewalk and within the walls of this killing place. Please Bring the Love of Christ when you come to Pray to End Abortion and we just may be graced with the result we seek.

Coming Events

Rosary for Life at St. Albert’s April 3rd at 8:30 am
Join us as we pray the Gospel every Friday.

First Saturday Rosary, April 4, 9:00 am
Calling all Pro-Life Catholics (and others who are interested) to pray the Rosary at the abortion site on Saturday, April 4th at 9:00 am. Join us as we pray the Gospel.

Wrap-Up Rally – Reno Life Chain, April 5, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Join us as we once again take our message of Love and Life to the streets in a Life Chain Event, this time in downtown Reno, on Sunday, April 5 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Our Midway Rally / Life Chain was a success, as we stood in prayerful witness calling upon those who drove by to consider that all life deserves protection, from conception until natural death.

Allow us to Announce Your Prayer Gathering Here
Gather together to Pray to End Abortion! When you have plans, let us know and we’ll let others know through our updates.

40 Days through Scripture

Day 37 - I John 2 - Jude
And now, children, remain in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not be put to shame by him at his coming. If you consider that he is righteous, you also know that everyone who acts in righteousness is begotten by him.
-- I John 2:28 – 29

To get the complete 40 Days through the New Testament list, go to:, print it out and get started now.

It’s never too late to start reading the bible.

National News

Facing Tough Washington Climate, Abortion Foes Move Debate Online
[] The video is stark, and startling. Against a black background, an ultrasound image flickers and a story unfolds. "This child's future is a broken home...he will be abandoned by his father...his single mother will struggle to raise him...."

The classical music in the background rises as the ultrasound fades, replaced by footage of President Barack Obama addressing an adoring crowd.

The tag line: "Life. Imagine the Potential."

An antiabortion group's online video borrows from President Obama's life story.

Mr. Obama supports legal abortion. Yet this video by -- viewed nearly 1.8 million times on YouTube since it was posted in January -- has turned his life story into an advertisement for the antiabortion movement.

The White House declined to comment. The producers describe their 40-second video as a strategic triumph that can help chart a new course for their movement as abortion opponents face a hostile climate in Washington, with Democrats controlling Congress and the White House.
"When you're out of political power, you start thinking about new ways to do things," said Brian Burch, president of "How do we continue to be relevant?"

His answer: Create provocative online content and rely on the power of viral networking to spread it widely.

Known in some antiabortion circles as the "hearts and minds" tactic -- as in, winning hearts and opening minds -- the strategy depends on presenting the antiabortion movement in an unexpected light, the better to catch and hold attention…

…Despite their viral appeal, Ms. Keenan dismissed most antiabortion videos as too shrill to win over the masses. In her view, those clips fail to address the issues most people care about, such as preventing unintended pregnancies or preserving women's health.

But some longtime analysts of abortion politics say the right's online campaign appears to be having an impact.

"Certainly, there's a preaching-to-the-choir effect, but I don't think you can discount the effect on society over time," said Alesha Doan, a political scientist at the University of Kansas who supports legalized abortion. "They've altered the parameters of the discourse."

Ms. Doan said ultrasound images circulating online have been especially helpful to abortion opponents, because they humanize the fetus. "I've seen a marked change in how people talk about abortion," especially young adults, Ms. Doan said. "It's much more favorable to the pro-life movement." Read more here

Video Vignette

Down Syndrome - A Life Worth Living

Get Involved!

STOP Sebelius:
Petition Against HHS Appointment of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius

Go here to sign the petition.

Be Heard Project Defends Conscience Clause
Sign the online ''Petition to Protect Pro-Life Doctors.'' Find details HERE

Cardinal George Urges Catholics to Tell Administration: Keep Conscience Protections for Health Care Workers
Find details HERE . The deadline to submit comments is April 9th. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated!

Sign-up for Your Hours on the Vigil Calendar
Please, visit the calendar, register and sign-up to join us at the sidewalk. Our Vigil Calendars are located at: and for Reno and Carson City respectively.

Sign up even if you’re not 100% sure that you can make that particular time.

Pray whether you are signed up or not. It is most important to pray.

Day 36 – 310 lives saved!

April 1, 2009

Day 36 – 310 lives saved!

The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." – Psalms 14:1

National Campaign Daily Intention
That those who have forgotten their purpose may discover it in God and therefore have the courage to choose life.

Local Campaign News
They Chose Life! Keep Them in Your Prayers

National & Local Campaign News
Our local vigil is in the national campaign news

Coming Events
Rosary for Life at St. Albert’s April 3rd and every Friday morning at 8:30 am
First Saturday Rosary, April 4, 9:00 am
Wrap-Up Rally – Reno Life Chain, April 5, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Allow us to announce your prayer gathering here

40 Days through Scripture
I Peter 1 – I John 1

National News
Three More Bishops, Rush Limbaugh Join Chorus of Condemnation for ND Scandal
Pro-Life Group: Congressional Bill Funding Human Embryo Research Coming Soon
President Barack Obama Should Receive One Million Red Envelopes on Abortion

Video Vignette
Jane Roe’s pro-life commercial

Get Involved
Stop Sebelius
Be Heard Project Defends Conscience Clause
Keep Conscience Protection for Healthcare Workers – Deadline April 9th
Send a RED envelope
Sign-up for Your Hours on the Vigil Calendar

Have you signed up on the Vigil Calendar?
If you’re near the abortion site and have even just a few moments to spare
Commit to pray daily from wherever you are.

National Campaign Daily Intention

That those who have forgotten their purpose may discover it in God and therefore have the courage to choose life.

These all wait for you, that you may give them their food in due season, what you give them they gather in; you open your hand they are filled with good. You hide your face, they are troubled; you take away their breath, they die and return to their dust. You send forth your Spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the earth. -- Psalm 104:27-30

"I am a feather on the breath of God."
As the quote above portrays, we are upheld by the power and purpose of God. Our very existence on earth, from our body's first breath to its last, when we leave it to return home, is our Father's choice and happens only by His willing to do so.

He who created the universe also created that which is "me." I do not "have" a soul - I AM a soul, as well as a body. My entire purpose in this life is to find my way back to my Creator.
Beloved Father, remind us today that there is no truth but you. Do not let us fall prey to the evil one's lie that we may choose death. Remind us right now that you, who created all life, are in control of all life, and let us know right now that you who created all life, are in control of all life, and let us choose life always.

Father, please let us hear your voice more today than yesterday. Keep lighting the pathway home, for us and for all who participate in this 40 Days for Life campaign. Father, we're on our way. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
Vera Faith LordDirector,
Alpha/Omega Life Ministry
Representative of the Orthodox Church
to the National Pro-life Religious Council

Local Campaign News

They Chose Life! Keep Them in Your Prayers
We received a call from Donna to share the wonderful news that the Hispanic couple who were contemplating an abortion last week have decided to keep the child. Because of the difficult circumstances surrounding the conception of this child, please keep them in your prayers, especially over the next nine months as this innocent child grows in the mother’s womb.
Pray that the marriage finds strength through this difficulty that they are
facing together.

Pray that if the husband cannot find it in himself to raise the child, that a loving family provides a healthy home for this blessed child.

Pray that the mother finds peace with whatever decision they make and that they each forgive one another the hurts that have brought them to this place.

Pray that they bring Christ into their marriage in a way they have never previously done, so that they can come to know the true meaning of marriage and live in accord with that meaning, united as they are meant to be.

Pray in Thanksgiving for the gift of life that has been accepted by this couple.

Pray in Thanksgiving for the grace we have been given to play a role in God’s divine plan.

All Glory and Honor goes to God!

National & Local Campaign News

Our local vigil is in the national campaign news!
See it on the National Blog here.

You can also see a picture from the sidewalk in Carson City on our local blog here.

We also made the national news on LifeSiteNews. See the article HERE.

Coming Events

Rosary for Life at St. Albert’s April 3rd at 8:30 am
Join us as we pray the Gospel every Friday.

First Saturday Rosary, April 4, 9:00 am
Calling all Pro-Life Catholics (and others who are interested) to pray the Rosary at the abortion site on Saturday, April 4th at 9:00 am. Join us as we pray the Gospel.

Wrap-Up Rally – Reno Life Chain, April 5, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Join us as we once again take our message of Love and Life to the streets in a Life Chain Event, this time in downtown Reno, on Sunday, April 5 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Our Midway Rally / Life Chain was a success, as we stood in prayerful witness calling upon those who drove by to consider that all life deserves protection, from conception until natural death.

Allow us to Announce Your Prayer Gathering Here
Gather together to Pray to End Abortion! When you have plans, let us know and we’ll let others know through our updates.

40 Days through Scripture

Day 36 - I Peter 1 – I John 1
Beloved, do not be surprised that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as if something strange were happening to you. But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when his glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. But let no one among you be made to suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as an intriguer. But whoever is made to suffer as a Christian should not be ashamed but glorify God because of the name. For it is time for the judgment to begin with the household of God; if it begins with us, how will it end for those who fail to obey the gospel of God?

“And if the righteous one is barely saved, where will the godless and the sinner appear?”

As a result, those who suffer in accord with God’s will hand their souls over to a faithful creator as they do good.
-- I Peter 4:12-19

To get the complete 40 Days through the New Testament list, go to:, print it out and get started now.

It’s never too late to start reading the bible.

National News

Three More Bishops, Rush Limbaugh Join Chorus of Condemnation for ND Scandal
[] Conservative talk radio guru Rush Limbaugh discussed the scandal on Friday's edition of his program. Limbaugh, who is not a Catholic, said the invite "does not pass the common sense test."

"I understand the tradition of inviting newly elected presidents. I understand the historical nature of President Obama's election. I understand all of that," he said. "But do none of our institutions value their principles anymore or their core beliefs or their religious foundations? Are they so easily discarded for public relations or political correctness?"

Limbaugh said it was a "shock" to him that "something as venerable as Notre Dame University" would cast aside their core beliefs "for reasons of comparatively no substance." "Does not the tradition of having the newly elected president do your commencement address pale in comparison to the foundational building blocks of the university and the church on which it's founded?" he asked. Read the article here

Pro-Life Group:
Congressional Bill Funding Human Embryo Research Coming Soon
Washington, DC [] -- A leading pro-life group is warning members of Congress that they may soon face a vote on a bill that would result in funding the destruction of human embryos for research. National Right to Life is calling the bill a stem cell research "bait and switch" because of its duplicitous purpose…

… Part of the rationale for his move is that so-called "leftover" human embryos would be destroyed anyway so why not kill them for research purposes and fund the research with taxpayer dollars.

However, backers of embryonic stem cell research want to go further and topple a longstanding pro-life law called the Dickey-Wicker amendment, which prohibits the purposeful creation and destruction of human embryos for scientific study. Read the article here

President Barack Obama Should Receive One Million Red Envelopes on Abortion
Washington, DC [] -- President Barack Obama, who has compiled a radical pro-abortion record since taking over the White House, should receive more than one million red envelopes this week. That's thanks in part to the Red Envelope Campaign that a Christian pro-life advocate in Massachusetts started.

Inspired during a prayer, Christ Otto came up with the idea of sending red envelopes to President Barack Obama to protest his pro-abortion policies. Read the article here

Video Vignette

Jane Roe’s pro-life commercial

Get Involved!

STOP Sebelius:
Petition Against HHS Appointment of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius

Go here to sign the petition.

Be Heard Project Defends Conscience Clause
Sign the online ''Petition to Protect Pro-Life Doctors.'' Find details HERE

Cardinal George Urges Catholics to Tell Administration: Keep Conscience Protections for Health Care Workers
Find details HERE . The deadline to submit comments is April 9th. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated!

Send a RED Envelope on March 31st
Let us show our President and the world that the voices of those of us who do not believe abortion is acceptable are not silent and must be heard. Details

Sign-up for Your Hours on the Vigil Calendar
Please, visit the calendar, register and sign-up to join us at the sidewalk. Our Vigil Calendars are located at: and for Reno and Carson City respectively.

Sign up even if you’re not 100% sure that you can make that particular time.

Pray whether you are signed up or not. It is most important to pray.

Day 35 – 297 lives saved!

March 31, 2009

Day 35 – 297 lives saved!

National Campaign Daily Intention
Pray that all believers participating in 40 Days for Life will make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).

National Campaign News
Saving a special baby

Local Campaign News
Pastor Bill Ransom – Tahoe Faith Fellowship
Report from 40 Hour Prayer Campaign, Sacred Heart Parish, Susanville
Volunteers needed

Coming Events
Rosary for Life at St. Albert’s April 3rd and every Friday morning at 8:30 am
First Saturday Rosary, April 4, 9:00 am
Wrap-Up Rally – Reno Life Chain, April 5, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Allow us to announce your prayer gathering here

40 Days through Scripture
Hebrews 11 – James 5

National News
Secrets of Abortion

Video Vignette
Miracle - Whitney Houston

Get Involved
Stop Sebelius
Be Heard Project Defends Conscience Clause
Keep Conscience Protection for Healthcare Workers – Deadline April 9th
Send a RED envelope
Sign-up for Your Hours on the Vigil Calendar

Have you signed up on the Vigil Calendar?
If you’re near the abortion site and have even just a few moments to spare
Commit to pray daily from wherever you are.

National Campaign Daily Intention

Pray that all believers participating in 40 Days for Life will make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).

Christ prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be united in single purpose and spirit, just as He and the Father were united.

I find it convicting to consider that those who would run to Jesus with their sins, seeking forgiveness, and falling in love with the Savior, often run from Christians today. Is it because they see division and dissension instead of unity and peace?

No doubt Christ is pleased to see the body unified and praying together during these 40 days. This is exactly what we see when we read about the beginnings of the church. Both the unity and the prayer are conspicuous, along with the results of unified prayer.

Acts 2:46-47 tells us, "So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved."

No doubt the enemy is disheartened to see the unity in prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil, and he will continuously try to disrupt the bond of peace among brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us guard our hearts and minds, exhibiting the love of Christ that He so graciously gives us, so that those watching will see the love among us and know that He must love them too!
Carmen PateCo-host,
"Point of View" Talk Show

National Campaign News

Saving a special baby
Elizabeth in Sacramento shared a report with me that is especially heartbreaking -- a mother being told abortion is her best option because her baby may have medical problems.

"I am six months pregnant and am going to have an abortion due to medical reasons," she told Elizabeth.

"I explained that her baby is precious," said Elizabeth. But at first, the mother was not interested in listening.

"My doctor insisted that there are multiple deformities," she said, "including spina bifida, and that this would be a 'special needs' baby."

"I shared how God knew from the beginning of time that He would create this special baby and that He gave special babies to special mothers," Elizabeth told her. "This baby is truly a gift from God."

At this point the two held hands and prayed together.

"I pleaded with God to send her all the graces necessary to choose life, accept God's will and to ultimately trust that He has the best plan for her and her baby."

As Elizabeth finished her prayer, she asked the woman if she could kiss her baby. The thought must have come from God, because she had no idea why she would ask such a question. But the mother agreed, and Elizabeth bent down and kissed her stomach.

Immediately the mother proclaimed with joy...

"I am keeping my baby! I don't care what the doctor or what anyone else says," she said, "this is my baby!"

Elizabeth then watched as the young mother courageously walked away from the clinic.
Your prayers and sacrifices during this 40 Days for Life are bearing fruit!

Jennifer in Cherry Hill, New Jersey woke up the other day, heard the rain outside, and it thought it would be a good day go back to sleep -- but she did not -- she COULD not!

"I thought how babies are often saved when volunteers make the sacrifice to come out in the cold rain." So off she went to join a small group in prayer.

But only a few abortion clients took their flyers, and Jennifer was discouraged at the end of her shift. "I was feeling cold and wet and wishing our sacrifices and prayers would have saved a baby."

When Jennifer went back to the clinic later, she learned that one of the women who entered the clinic while she and the others were praying had come out shortly after Jennifer left. She had decided to keep her baby!

Her discouragement vanished in an instant.

Local Campaign News

Are they not all ministering spirits sent to serve, for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?” -- Heb 1:14

One of my favorite set of Scriptures is Hebrews Chapter 1. Not only do these scriptures tell us about God speaking to us by God’s Son but also Angels.

Verse 14 relates that these ministering spirits are sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation (that is us who have received salvation). So, I know Angels will be around and help those who prayerfully protect those helpless babies.
Pastor Bill Ransom,
Tahoe Faith Fellowship

40 Hour Prayer Campaign, Sacred Heart Parish, Susanville
Debby reports:
“I would say that our 40 hours of Eucharistic adoration went well. We did have good coverage with many members of our parish participating. Remember that other than the daylight hours (9-4), we needed to have at least one male present. The Knights of Columbus really helped us out there. We also needed a minimum of two people for each hour. We had some real prayer warriors who signed up for a couple of the especially tough hours. To me, the really great part was that extra people showed up. I heard that at 12:30am we had two extra people and again at 4:30 am, and I know this was just a small indication of how things went. What this said to me was that this was a devotion people need. Our priest seemed happy with how things went and our respect life and K of C pro-life committees are hoping we eventually will be able to get a monthly 24 hour adoration in place.”

Volunteers needed!
Volunteers are also needed to make phone calls to past participants to ask them to give an hour at the abortion site again. Please contact Carol Marie at 530-412-1573 or send an email to:

Coming Events

Rosary for Life at St. Albert’s April 3rd at 8:30 am
Join us as we pray the Gospel every Friday.

First Saturday Rosary, April 4, 9:00 am
Calling all Pro-Life Catholics (and others who are interested) to pray the Rosary at the abortion site on Saturday, April 4th at 9:00 am. Join us as we pray the Gospel.

Wrap-Up Rally – Reno Life Chain, April 5, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Join us as we once again take our message of Love and Life to the streets in a Life Chain Event, this time in downtown Reno, on Sunday, April 5 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Our Midway Rally / Life Chain was a success, as we stood in prayerful witness calling upon those who drove by to consider that all life deserves protection, from conception until natural death.

Allow us to Announce Your Prayer Gathering Here
Gather together to Pray to End Abortion! When you have plans, let us know and we’ll let others know through our updates.

40 Days through Scripture

Day 35 - Hebrews 11 – James 5
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith. For the sake of the joy that lay before him he endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God. Consider how he endured such opposition from sinners, in order that you may not grow weary and lose heart. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood. You have also forgotten the exhortation addressed to you as sons:

“My son, do not disdain the discipline of the Lord
or lose heart when reproved by him;
for whom the Lord loves, he disciplines;
he scourges every son he acknowledges.”

Endure your trials as “discipline”; God treats you as sons. For what “son” is there whom his father does not discipline? If you are without discipline, in which all have shared, are you not sons but bastards. Besides this, we have had our earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them. Should we not [then] submit all the more to the Father of spirits and live?

They disciplined us for a short time as seemed right to them, but he does so for our benefit, in order that we may share his holiness. At the time, all discipline seems cause not for join but for pain, yet later it brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who are trained by it.
So strengthen your drooping hands and your weak knees. Make straight paths for your feet, that what is lame may not be dislocated but healed.
-- Hebrews 12:1-13

To get the complete 40 Days through the New Testament list, go to:, print it out and get started now.
It’s never too late to start reading the bible.

National News

Secrets of Abortion
by I.K. Cush
[] - Perhaps one of the best kept secrets of the abortion industry is how lucrative it is.

It is one of the “most lucrative businesses in the world,” said Dr. Joseph DeCook, a retired OB/GYN doctor and vice president of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG).

Money is the driving force behind increased abortions in the United States with some doctors earning over six million dollars every year declared Dr. Martha Shuping, a psychiatrist who has trained professionals and peer counselors for abortion recovery programs in Europe, Asia and the United States.

Dr. Shuping spoke recently in New York at a workshop sponsored by the Concerned Women for America. The workshop featured several speakers who presented scientific evidence to support their contention that abortion poses significant mental and physical risks to women.

According to Dr. Shuping, women aren’t told about the “downside” of abortion. The risks of abortions are well-kept secrets even to medical students, Shuping revealed…
…Doctors do not inform women of the inherent risks associated with abortion, according to Dr. De Cook of AAPLOG.

“Informed consent is a joke,” he said. According to De Cook, “the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) ignores the risks associated with abortion.”

Planned Parenthood Federation of America did not respond to queries requesting an explanation of its protocol for informed consent.

Read the entire article here

Video Vignette

Miracle – Whitney Houston -

Get Involved!

STOP Sebelius:
Petition Against HHS Appointment of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius

[ – American Life League] President Obama’s appointment of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius for Health and Human Services Secretary is rock solid proof our new president has no concern for the health of Americans. Rather, Obama’s modus operandi has and will continue to be full-scale attack on the personhood of the weak, disabled and preborn. Go here to sign the petition.

Be Heard Project Defends Conscience Clause
Sign the online ''Petition to Protect Pro-Life Doctors.'' Find details HERE

Cardinal George Urges Catholics to Tell Administration: Keep Conscience Protections for Health Care Workers
Find details HERE . The deadline to submit comments is April 9th. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated!

Send a RED Envelope on March 31st
Let us show our President and the world that the voices of those of us who do not believe abortion is acceptable are not silent and must be heard. Details

Sign-up for Your Hours on the Vigil Calendar
Please, visit the calendar, register and sign-up to join us at the sidewalk. Our Vigil Calendars are located at: and for Reno and Carson City respectively.

Sign up even if you’re not 100% sure that you can make that particular time. Pray whether you are signed up or not. I

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 34 – 295 lives saved!

March 30, 2009
Day 34 – 295 lives saved!

National Campaign Daily Intention
We pray for the conversion of abortionists and all abortion advocates.

National Campaign News
Complaints and harassment

Local Campaign News
Abortion Worker Can’t Take it Any Longer – Looking for Another Job
Carson City Abortion Site Feels the Heat
Volunteers needed

Coming Events
Weekly Monday Rosary –Carson City Abortion Site, 10:00 am
Rosary for Life at St. Albert’s April 3rd and every Friday morning at 8:30 am
First Saturday Rosary, April 4, 9:00 am
Wrap-Up Rally – Reno Life Chain, April 5, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Allow us to announce your prayer gathering here

40 Days through Scripture
Hebrews 2 - 10

National News
Barack Obama and NARAL, Two Peas in a Pod

Video Vignette
Happy Birthday - Flipsyde

Get Involved
Dawn Johnsen's Top 3 Outrageous Abortion Quotes
Be Heard Project Defends Conscience Clause
Keep Conscience Protection for Healthcare Workers – Deadline April 9th
Send a RED envelope
Sign-up for Your Hours on the Vigil Calendar

Have you signed up on the Vigil Calendar?
If you’re near the abortion site and have even just a few moments to spare
Commit to pray daily from wherever you are.

National Campaign Daily Intention

We pray for the conversion of abortionists and all abortion advocates.
"Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow."
-- Isaiah 1:16-17

God is just.
Inscribed around the inside of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC, are the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson: "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just." If the deist, Jefferson, knew in the depths of his being that God is just, how much more ought we Christians to reflect on this profound truth? The justice of God, like his holiness and his purity, encourages us to seek justice for all people. It is the evil deeds and wrong, selfish attitudes of our modern society that have led to the cavalier acceptance of abortion and euthanasia. But, as Jefferson also said, "his justice will not sleep forever."

God is calling us today to seek justice, to encourage the oppressed, and to defend the orphans and widows of our society. It is a noble calling! It is one which every true believer, every God-fearing man and woman, should heed with no hesitation and no reluctance. To follow the God of justice and truth is to stand unequivocally for the right to life of everyone, especially the unborn, the physically disabled, and the terminally ill. God's word through the prophet Isaiah is as relevant in today's 21st century world as it was in Isaiah's 8th century BC world. May God's grace help us to defend the unborn's right to life as well as that of the already born.
Rev. Ben SheldonPresident Emeritus
Presbyterians Pro-life and
National Pro-life Religious Council

National Campaign News

Complaints and harassment
The abortion industry calls itself "pro-choice."

But so often we see that, in reality, their stance is NO choice -- and if you publicly disagree with them, they'll call the police to try and harass you.

A 15-year-old participant in the 40 Days for Life vigil in San Francisco has found that out for himself -- twice!

The California Catholic Daily shares the story of Will Campbell, a high school student who was outside a Planned Parenthood abortion center praying with seven other people, including his parents.

Will had his iPod with him and a small portable speaker. He was playing a pro-life rap song called "Happy Birthday" (yes, "pro-life rap song" may sound like a contradiction, but there are actually several tunes out there that fit this description).

"Many people walking down the street, hearing the music, gave thumbs-up and thank-yous," he told the reporter. "People going into the clinic obviously were trying to ignore the music, but kept looking over to us praying." But not the clinic staff! They saw fit to call San Francisco's finest because of what Will was doing.

"The Planned Parenthood escorts immediately started jotting down notes, making phone calls, and moving around anxiously," said Will. The escorts seemed excited that they finally had something to complain about.

When the police arrived they simply asked us if we were playing music to ourselves. We said yes and offered to turn it down repeatedly if we needed to, but the police officers just told us to enjoy ourselves," he said, adding, "the two officers thought it was no big deal."

A week later, it happened again!

"We started playing the music again, and the escorts called the police," said Will. "But this time the officer did nothing but give me a thumbs-up."

You know what, Will? There are many others around the country giving you a big thumbs-up too!

You can read Will's whole story here:

Local Campaign News

Abortion Worker Can’t Take it Any Longer – Looking for Another Job
The other day at the sidewalk, those in prayer on the sidewalk were approached by one of the employees of the abortion site and told that she was looking for another job. She just can’t take it any longer. She was invited to join them in prayer but she indicated that she needed to get back inside to work, but would they please pray that she find a good position so she can quit. She also told the vigil volunteers that their prayers make a difference in what happens inside.

When there are prayers happening outside the tone of what happens inside changes. Everyone is aware of their presence, and she for one, can no longer pretend that what is happening is OK.

Other campaigns have stepped up and assisted local abortion facility workers when they have finally decided to leave the abortion industry. If anyone knows of a job that we could offer to this young woman please let us know. We’d like to do everything in our power to help her get away from this place of death.

Carson City Abortion Site Feels the Heat
The Tahoe Women’s Care Ob/Gyn & Abortion facility in Carson City has been feeling the heat of our presence. We know of at least 3 patients who attend St. Gal’s in Gardnerville who have left the practice once they learned that abortions are performed by the practice. Most recently, a woman who was a patient there, went to the desk and told them she would no longer be their patient. When the receptionist offered to give her the necessary forms to release her medical records, she informed them that the only form she wanted from them was the form to tell them why she was leaving their practice. She then proceeded to put a long note in writing as to exactly what she thought of an OB/Gyn performing abortions as a part of their regular practice.

This wonderful woman has ensured that they fully appreciate the reason they have lost her as a patient. And these women are just the ones we have heard about because they all happen to attend one church in town. What of the others we don’t know about? By being present at the sidewalk, we are informing their patients about what is being done behind closed doors. Won’t you please take an hour during their regular business hours and stand in witness of the lives lost there? With enough patients lost they could rethink their commitment to performing abortions.

And if you ever wondered if what we’ve been doing has been making a difference, well, certainly in the last 2 days the Lord has given us an answer, Loud and Clear. Lives are being saved, people are leaving the business and we are costing them the money that motivates the doctors to do what they do. All Praise and Glory goes to God!

Thanks to Eddie Montanucci for providing us with this great photo of the vigil in Carson City.

Volunteers needed!
Volunteers are also needed to make phone calls to past participants to ask them to give an hour at the abortion site again. Please contact Carol Marie at 530-412-1573 or send an email to:

Coming Events

Weekly Monday Rosary –Carson City Abortion Site, 10:00 am
Members of St. Theresa of Avila and St. Gals parishes invite you to join them as they gather on the sidewalk to pray the Rosary, for the intention of bringing abortion to an end, at the Tahoe Woman’s Care Center and elsewhere through-out our region and the nation. This past week they had over 30 standing together in prayer.‎ The Carson City abortion vigil is held at the sidewalk at the entrance of 973 Mica Drive.

Rosary for Life at St. Albert’s April 3rd at 8:30 am
Join us as we pray the Gospel every Friday.

First Saturday Rosary, April 4, 9:00 am
Calling all Pro-Life Catholics (and others who are interested) to pray the Rosary at the abortion site on Saturday, April 4th at 9:00 am. Join us as we pray the Gospel.

Wrap-Up Rally – Reno Life Chain, April 5, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Join us as we once again take our message of Love and Life to the streets in a Life Chain Event, this time in downtown Reno, on Sunday, April 5 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Our Midway Rally / Life Chain was a success, as we stood in prayerful witness calling upon those who drove by to consider that all life deserves protection, from conception until natural death.

Allow us to Announce Your Prayer Gathering Here
Gather together to Pray to End Abortion! When you have plans, let us know and we’ll let others know through our updates.

40 Days through Scripture

Day 34 - Hebrews 2 - 10
Take care, brothers, that none of you may have an evil and unfaithful heart, so as to forsake the living God. Encourage yourselves daily while it is still “today,” so that none of you may grow hardened by the deceit of sin. We have become partners of Christ if only we hold the beginning of reality firm until the end, for it is said:

“Oh, that today you would hear his voice:
‘Harden not your hearts as at the rebellion.’”
--Hebrews 3:12-15

To get the complete 40 Days through the New Testament list, go to:, print it out and get started now.
It’s never too late to start reading the bible.

National News

Barack Obama and NARAL, Two Peas in a Pod
[] Last year when I tried talking to good people thoroughly intoxicated with candidate Barack Obama, I searched everywhere for the equivalent of hot coffee to sober them up. I won't go through the list of items at length because you know them as well as I do, if not better.

But I learned that what success I did have never had anything to do with what would seem to be deal-breakers for people who considered themselves "moderates," even pro-life…

…But I eventually did find there were two remarks that did give these people pause. The first were his comments at a town hall meeting in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

Referring to his two daughters. Obama told the assembly, "If they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." Using his single-digit-aged daughters as props did not go over well with most folks. And more than a few people asked doesn't Obama realize that the "mistake" he proposes to eliminate would be his own grandchild?

The other was actually a one-word response to a pro-abortion advocacy group's question: "Does Sen. Obama support continuing federal funding for crisis pregnancy centers?" Brief as the Obama campaign's response was, it spoke volumes: "No." Read further

Video Vignette

Will Campbell said the song he was playing is called "Happy Birthday" by the rap artist Flipsyde. To see a video of the song that so upset the Planned Parenthood escorts,

Get Involved!

Dawn Johnsen's Top 3 Outrageous Abortion Quotes []:
1. “The argument that women who become pregnant have in some sense consented to the pregnancy belies reality…and others who are the inevitable losers in the contraceptive lottery no more ‘consent’ to pregnancy than pedestrians ‘consent’ to being struck by drunk drivers.’”
Supreme Court amicus brief she authored in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services

2. “The woman is constantly aware for nine months that her body is not wholly her own: the state has conscripted her body for its own ends. Thus, abortion restrictions ‘reduce pregnant women to no more than fetal containers.’”
Supreme Court amicus brief she authored in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services

3. “Statutes that curtail her abortion choice are disturbingly suggestive of involuntary servitude, prohibited by the Thirteenth Amendment, in that forced pregnancy requires a woman to provide continuous physical service to the fetus in order to further the state’s asserted interest.”
Supreme Court amicus brief she authored in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services

Please write to your Senators today and oppose Dawn Johnsen’s nomination to the Office of Legal Counsel.

For more on Dawn Johnsen please read Congressman Steve King’s (R-IA) great article on Townhall.

Be Heard Project Defends Conscience Clause
Find details HERE

Sign the online ''Petition to Protect Pro-Life Doctors.''
Cardinal George Urges Catholics to Tell Administration: Keep Conscience Protections for Health Care Workers
Find details HERE .

The deadline to submit comments is April 9th.

Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated!

Send a RED Envelope on March 31st
Let us show our President and the world that the voices of those of us who do not believe abortion is acceptable are not silent and must be heard. Details

Sign-up for Your Hours on the Vigil Calendar
Please, visit the calendar, register and sign-up to join us at the sidewalk. Our Vigil Calendars are located at: and for Reno and Carson City respectively.

Sign up even if you’re not 100% sure that you can make that particular time.

Pray whether you are signed up or not. It is most important to pray.